We are here to help you or your neighbours if you are struggling and some support would be useful.
We have specialist officers who can make referrals to support, wellbeing or other services or we can provide practical help in managing your home.
We also work with Manchester City Council and the police to protect children and adults from abuse, harm and neglect. The work we do around this is called 'safeguarding'.
If you have concerns about the welfare of a child or adult then there are a number of things you can do:
- If you suspect that the child or adult is in immediate danger then phone the police on 999
- If you believe that the child or adult needs emergency medical treatment, phone an ambulance on 999
- If there is no immediate risk, contact Manchester City Council on 0161 234 5001 (24 hour service) or email mcsreply@manchester.gov.uk
If you prefer you can contact us and ask to speak to our Housing Support Team. They can talk to you about your concerns and share information with the council or the police if needed. Not every report turns out to be serious, but we treat each one with the utmost care and respect.
No concern is too small - please get in touch.