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We want your help to improve our services.

Our Your Voice Scrutiny group produces reports with recommendations on how to improve services. Take part in regular meetings, speak to staff and residents, be part of focus groups and studies.

your voice banner tenant chatting to repair man on their sofa


  • Help ensure MCC Housing Services delivers excellent services
  • Recommend areas for review and
  • Suggest service improvements 

Ideal candidates will... 

  • Be attending or have attended Your Voice Forum meetings
  • Have experience of working with others
  • Be able to read documents and provide your thoughts on them
  • Communicate effectively
  • Ability to use digital tools (email, computer, etc.) comfortably
  • Understand residents’ challenges

What’s in it for me?

  • We offer a training program to all new members.
  • Members will also be able to attend housing-related conferences and seminars.
  • We offer reimbursement for travel and out of pocket expenses. 

Who can become a member?

The group consists of people from all walks of life. You don’t have to be a tenant of ours either, you simply need to be a local resident where we operate in M4, M8, M9, M12 or M40.


1 to 2 days per month


If you’re looking for a new challenge, to learn new skills, or be around like-minded people who want to make a difference, please complete the form below.

I would like to get involved...

What group(s) are you interested in? * Feel free to tick as many as you like.
Consent for storing submitted data *