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Tenant Satisfaction Measures: Results for 2023/24


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Tenant Satisfaction Measures have been introduced by the Regulator of Social Housing, to assess how well housing providers are doing at providing good quality homes and services to residents.

All social housing landlords must conduct an annual satisfaction survey to comply with regulatory requirements introduced in April 2023. The survey results and performance data relate to 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. 

We spoke to nearly 1500 residents to find out how satisfied they were with their homes and the range of services we provide to them as their landlord.

This provided us with lots of information about what residents really value, and where we need to do better.  

We conducted the surveys through a range of collection methods, which included telephone, face-to-face, postal, SMS and Internet.

View our latest figures here:

Tenant Satisfaction Measures 2023/2